Our center will protect your personal information in accordance with the following policies.
Based on the foundational principle of respect for individuals, we will take utmost care of your personal information in our relevant activities, complying with all related laws.
Your personal information will only be collected in a lawful and reasonable way.
Your personal information will only be used in specific circumstances and its use will be limited to those circumstances.
Aside from uses mentioned in advance or predetermined by the law, your personal information will not be share with any outside party without your prior consent.
Appropriate measures will be taken so that your personal information is not leaked, destroyed, or used for defamation.
You have a right to petition for the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and interruption of the use of your personal information, and we will process the request as quickly as possible.
We will process and complaint you have about the use of your personal information in a timely and appropriate manner.
Appropriate measures will be taken to protect your personal information and the counselors are all attentive to the protection of personal information.
In order to fulfil these objectives, the center has created guidelines for the protection of personal information, which are known and followed scrupulously by our staff.